What's new in release 4.2.0?

What's new in release 4.2.0?

The main change in the new release is an ADN library update. The library now can interact asynchronously with Antilatency device properties.

New features for asynchronous work in applications

This version of DeviceNetwork library has new asynchronous variants of IPropertyCotask methods. For example: to read the string value of a property you can use the getStringProperty method or its asynchronous version getStringPropertyDeferred.
These new methods allow applications not to slow down by avoiding thread blocking. In addition, there are new interfaces to be returned by these methods. To learn more, refer to Antilatency Device Network Library.

Update 4.2.1

ADN library crash bug fix
From now on there will be no issues if a user disconnects a device during the first reading of its properties.