

Interface in Antilatency.DeviceNetwork
Cotask for getting and modifying properties. It gets properties directly from the device and automatically updates the device properties cache.
interface IPropertyCotask : ICotask {
string getPropertyKey(​uint index);
string getStringProperty(​string key);
void setStringProperty(​string key, string value);
byte[] getBinaryProperty(​string key);
void setBinaryProperty(​string key, byte[] value);
void deleteProperty(​string key);
IFuture setStringPropertyDeferred(​string key, string value);
IFuture setBinaryPropertyDeferred(​string key, byte[] value);


Get the property name at the given index.
Get string property directly from the device.
Set new property string value.
Get binary property directly from the device.
Set new property binary value.
Delete a property by the key.
Get the property name at the given index.
Get string property directly from the device.
Set new property string value.
Get binary property directly from the device.
Set new property binary value.
Delete a property by the key.