How to add the tracking system into Unreal Engine via Glassbox Tech’s DragonFly plugin

How to add the tracking system into Unreal Engine via Glassbox Tech’s DragonFly plugin

The Glassbox Tech's DragonFly plugin supports binding Antilatency tracking to a virtual camera in Unreal Engine. This manual describes how to connect and configure the tracking system. With DragonFly, only one camera may be tracked at a time.



Installing plugins

Before your project in UE is opened, install the DragonFly plugin according to your Unreal Engine version:
Open your project in Unreal Engine.
Open the window with plugins: Edit tab – Plugins.
Find and enable the DragonFly, Live Link, and LiveLinkVRPN plugins.
If the DragonFly has not appeared in the Installed section, enable Live Link and LiveLinkVRPN first and then restart Unreal Editor (with the Restart Now button). If the DragonFly plugin's state is still "not enabled", enable it and restart Unreal Editor again.

Getting tracking data using VRPN

Configure tracking data broadcasting via VRPN according to this guide.
Start the VRPN server.
Open the LiveLink menu in Unreal Engine: Window tab – Virtual Production – Live Link.

Add a new video source: + Source button – LiveLink VRPN Source. These are the parameters:
Perform coordinate transformation:
  1. Click on your VRPN source in the Source section, then in the Subject section select the added tracker by its Subject Name.
  2. Add an element with the + button in the Pre Processors parameter of the LiveLink tab.
  3. Select the Transform Axis Switch option in the nested Index [0] parameter, and unfold the tab of this parameter.
  4. Then unfold the LiveLink tab and set the parameters: Front Axis – Z-Axis, Right Axis – X-Axis, Up-Axis – Y-Axis.
The tracking data provided via VRPN is now correct. You can close the Live Link window.

Adding Antilatency tracking to DragonFly

Click on the DragonFly panel – Setup on the Unreal toolbar. Next, in the General Tracking section:
  • select the LiveLink option for the Tracking parameter;
  • set value: 1 to the Unit Conversion parameter.
In the LiveLink Tracking Settings section choose:
  • Source – the VRPN option;
  • Subject<Subject Name from Live Link window>.
Then click Connect.
After connecting make sure the Unit Conversion parameter is set to 1. Otherwise, the camera jitter effect may occur.
Other settings that are frequently used during recording should be made in the DragonFly – Operator Main menu. For more information, see the instructions that came with the downloaded plugin (in our example, it is the DragonFly 3.1 for Unreal User Manual.pdf file).

Enabling DragonFly camera view

To switch the Viewport in DragonFly View mode, click on Perspective - DragonFly Viewport in the upper left corner of the Viewport section. If this tool is not available, click on the icon in the upper left corner of the Viewport section, and select Show Toolbar – Perspective.
Antilatency: Quick start
Glassbox Tech’s DragonFly: Documentation, DragonFly Tutorials, Support