Alt: additional properties

Alt: additional properties

You can set additional software properties for an Alt-tracker. They can be added and configured both in your program code and using the AntilatencyService.
Let's consider adding new configuration properties via the AntilatencyService application. To do this, connect the socket with the tracker to your hardware, open AntilatencyService, go to the Device Network tab and select the Alt in the list of connected devices. Then you can add new properties to the tracker and set their values.
A How to on adding, editing or removing a property in AntilatencyService can be found here.

Camera exposure

The property name is usr/Camera/Exposure
It sets the exposure value of an Alt's camera. It is measured in lines, and is a positive integer.
Range of values: 1..496.
To reset the exposure to the default value, just delete this property.

LED color

The property name is usr/LED/Color
It sets the permanent color of an LED (in non-blinking state) on an Alt-tracker. It accepts 4/8/16 bits per RGB channel in HEX format without a prefix. I.e. a white color can be written in 3 ways: fff, ffffff, ffffffffffff. Not case-sensitive.
If you set an empty value or remove the property, the tracker will use the default indication.
This property is reset when an Alt is rebooted: for example, when the tracker is physically reconnected to the socket.